From the Blog

Welcome to the Workzinga blog, where we explore how companies can build culturally-aligned workforces. Our posts cover a wide range of topics, from fostering inclusivity to enhancing team cohesion, all focused on the importance of culture and alignment in the workplace. Discover strategies and insights to help your business create a unified team environment where everyone thrives. Join us in navigating the path to a stronger, more connected workplace.

Culture Fit vs Culture Add
A False Debate

The recent “culture fit” and “culture add” debate has been painstakingly torn apart by HR influencers, bloggers and a few highly respected professional magazines. They have argued that hiring for “culture fit” means employing clones, leading to a lack of diversity, and the better solution is to hire for “culture add.” However, the problem they’re talking about is not found in the words “fit” or “add,” but is actually found with the biases we all have and which can come through in the recruiting process; the conversation about “culture fit” versus “culture add” is ultimately a semantics issue. The bottom line is that companies need to put intention and effort into recruiting and hiring for diversity and drop this ridiculous war on the phrase “culture fit.”

Dan Hunter


Unlimited PTO and Culture

For many of the most competitive organizations, unrestricted PTO is a rapidly expanding trend. A company’s time off policy may have a bearing on the level of office productivity. In this day and age of high stress, burnout, and attrition, employees must strike the correct balance between job obligations and personal activities. Many firms offer unlimited paid time off (PTO) to show they support employees having a balance between their personal and professional lives.

Dejannae Lang

I/O Practitioner

Promoting Diversity in the Workplace

There is a fundamental principle in the study of genetics, which has been shown to be true time and time again…genetic diversity leads to greater resiliency and a higher chance for long-term survival. While this scientific principle may sound isolated to the realm of education and research, this is further evidence that a diverse workforce will make an organization far stronger and increase the opportunity for success than a more homogeneous organization.

Dan Hunter


Boosting Motivation Among Remote Employees
Strategies for Success

In the modern era, remote work has become increasingly prevalent, allowing individuals to work from the comfort of their own homes or any location of their choice. While remote work offers numerous advantages, such as flexibility and increased autonomy, it can also present unique challenges, particularly when it comes to maintaining motivation. This article will explore effective strategies to foster motivation among remote employees, ensuring their productivity and job satisfaction remain high.

Joan Patrick

Head of Experience

Embrace Growth and Rejuvenation
The Power of Work Sabbatical Programs

In today’s fast-paced and demanding work environment, finding a balance between personal growth and professional aspirations can be challenging. Thankfully, organizations are increasingly recognizing the value of sabbatical leave, providing employees with an extended period of time to step away from their professional responsibilities and embark on a transformative journey of renewal, growth, and exploration. In this blog post, we will delve into the concept of sabbatical leave, what makes it different from other types of leave, how to create a program, its benefits, and how to make the most of this unique opportunity.

Lauren Hunter

Research Services Manager

Creating a Safe Space
Ensuring Psychological Safety in Interviews

When you think about an interview, what comes to mind? You most likely think about a nerve-wracking process where you have to prove your worth. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Imagine a world where interviews are not only about assessing skills and qualifications but also about understanding the individual’s perspectives and ideas. That world is possible, and it starts with psychological safety. In this article, we’ll delve into how to ensure psychological safety in interviews.

Lauren Hunter

Research Services Manager

The Nexus Between Organizational Culture and Ethics

Organizational culture and ethics are two concepts that are closely intertwined, affecting one another in multiple ways. Organizational culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, behaviors, and customs that shape the environment and influence the actions of those within the organization. On the other hand, ethics refers to the principles and values guiding an individual or organization’s behavior and decision-making, determining what is considered right or wrong. Organizational culture sets the tone for ethical behavior and establishes a foundation for ethical decision-making.

Dan Hunter


How to Promote Company Culture
Part-Time and Temporary Workers Edition

Some may feel that companies should concentrate on their regular, full-time workforce and their cultural needs and be less concerned about the alignment of their part-time, seasonal, or temporary workforce. After all, those groups are not part of the main workforce and have less impact on the health of a company's culture…right? Well, no. You must engage these workers in a meaningful way on cultural issues, just as you do full-time teammates. Everyone in the company should be on the same page regarding company culture.

Lauren Hunter

Research Services Manager