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Enhancing Workplace Culture with Company Culture Chats

Nurturing a positive company culture has become increasingly crucial in the digital age. One innovative way to do this is by creating a "Company Culture Chat" – a dedicated Slack channel or WhatsApp chat room where employees can come together to share ideas, concerns, funny stories, and more. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of such a chat, how to set it up, and some best practices to make it a success.

Joan Patrick

Head of Experience

The Psychological Impact of Recognition in the Workplace

Understanding what drives people is crucial to fostering a motivated and engaged workforce in a rapidly evolving business landscape. One of the most potent tools at our disposal is recognition. Not only does it acknowledge hard work and accomplishment, but it also significantly influences employees' psychological well-being, thereby affecting their overall work performance. In this comprehensive article, we dive deep into the crucial role of recognition in the workplace, the psychological principles underpinning it, and how it contributes to creating a flourishing work environment.

Dr. Margarida Rafael

Science Officer

Communication and Transparency
The Twin Pillars of a Positive Workplace Culture

Every successful organization understands that the key to its triumph often lies in the unassuming nuances of its culture. Two critical nuances? Communication and transparency. Together, they shape the essence of an empowering and motivating work environment. When we delve into the most prosperous companies, we realize it's not just their revolutionary products or services but the invisible threads of open communication and genuine transparency that tie the entire company together. They form the heart and soul of progressive workplace cultures. So, what do we mean when discussing a transparent company culture? It's not about creating a "Big Brother" surveillance environment. Instead, it signifies a culture where important information flows freely, decisions are made collaboratively, and employees are given a peek behind the curtain of top-tier decision-making.

Dr. Margarida Rafael

Science Officer

Creating Cohesion
How to Establish a High-Impact Company Culture Committee

A strong company culture is more than just a mere accessory to an organization's operations in the current business ecosystem. Instead, it's a fundamental pillar supporting overall business success. Company culture directly shapes an organization's identity, defines the working environment, influences employee performance, and affects how stakeholders perceive the company externally. Central to cultivating and maintaining this vibrant culture is an entity referred to as a Culture Committee. This article offers an in-depth look at the integral role Culture Committees play and how to establish a successful one within your organization.

Joan Patrick

Head of Experience

When Sparks Fly
Mitigating Conflict in the Modern Workplace

Every workplace, regardless of industry or size, will inevitably face conflicts. Though often perceived negatively, these confrontations can provide immense growth potential if navigated correctly. However, they can erode the workplace culture and diminish productivity when left unchecked. Today, we will look at workplace conflict dynamics, exploring their causes and impacts and the different ways leaders can effectively manage and capitalize on them.

Connie Hill

Head of Data Science

Top 5 Strategies for Successful Workforce Planning in the Modern Workplace

In the modern workplace, workforce planning has become essential for ensuring businesses have the right people, skills, and roles at the right time. Workforce planning is the process of identifying future workforce needs, developing strategies for acquiring, developing, and retaining talent, and implementing plans to ensure business continuity. This article will explore the top 5 strategies for successful workforce planning in the modern workplace.

Joan Patrick

Head of Experience

Foosball & Bagels
Debunking 6 Myths of Workplace Culture

In the not-so-distant past, workplace culture was often dismissed as the “fluffy” stuff – a foosball table here, some free bagels there, and voila, you’ve got a great company culture, right? Well, it’s time to debunk that myth. Workplace culture is no longer just about having fun; it’s an important element that impacts everything from hiring the right people to ensuring team personalities mesh. Let’s dive into why company culture has evolved into a strategic (and necessary) part of every company’s strategy for success.

Joan Patrick

Head of Experience

The Dark Side of Office Cliques
The Danger of Microcultures at Work

Have you ever walked into your workplace and felt like you’ve stepped into a high school cafeteria? Unfortunately, microcultures and exclusivity in the workplace can bring back those all-too-familiar memories. While a sense of belonging and camaraderie among employees is beautiful, the inherent risks of exclusion, discrimination, and decreased collaboration must not be overlooked. These risks become even more pronounced when microcultures form in the workplace, creating exclusive clubs with their own unwritten rules and social hierarchies. This article will examine the detrimental effects microcultures and cliques can have in the workplace and provide practical strategies to promote a more equitable and thriving professional environment.

Joan Patrick

Head of Experience

The Heartbeat of Connection
Communication’s Impact on Workplace Culture

In today’s interconnected world, where businesses face increased competition for success, the notion of building bridges within their organization rather than walls is deceptively obvious yet chronically overlooked. When coupled with the concept of workplace culture, communication plays an indispensable role in fortifying the social aspects of every company. Having recognized the profound impact that communication can have on workplace dynamics, leaders and employees alike are awakening to the transformative power of open dialogue, active listening, and inclusive interactions. In this article, we will unpack the intricate relationship between communication and workplace culture, exploring how communication shapes the cultural fabric of organizations. Additionally, we provide practical strategies for cultivating a positive work environment through clear and effective communication.

Lauren Hunter

Research Services Manager

Creating Future Leaders
The Key Role of Mentoring in Personal and Professional Growth

The concept of mentorship, deeply rooted in human civilization, is a secret weapon for personal and professional growth. Picture this: an experienced professional, a mentor, provides wisdom, support, and guidance to a less seasoned individual, the mentee. The mentor is a teacher, a counselor, a sponsor, and often a friend who stimulates the mentee’s professional and personal development. But the mentor-mentee relationship isn’t just a one-way street; as mentors impart knowledge, they also learn and grow from their interactions with the mentee.

Dan Hunter


Valuing the Valuable
The Importance of Effective Recognition Programs

The success of any business lies not in its strategies or resources but in its people – the employees. One essential element that plays a crucial role in nurturing an engaging and productive work environment is recognition. Acknowledging employees’ contributions and efforts fosters motivation, boosts morale, and promotes a stronger sense of loyalty within the company. This article provides an in-depth look at developing and maintaining an effective recognition program in your organization, emphasizing the crucial role of recognition in the workplace, the psychological principles underpinning it, and how it contributes to creating a flourishing work environment.

Lauren Hunter

Research Services Manager

Shaping the Soul of a Company
The Unseen Power of Culture Committees

Company culture is the backbone of any successful organization. It’s not just about the company’s business strategy or profit margins. It’s about the soul of the company – its culture. This makes the role of a Culture Committee essential. In this article, we dive deep into understanding the concept of a Culture Committee, its functions, and the significant benefits it can bring to an organization.

Dan Hunter


Unlimited PTO and Culture

For many of the most competitive organizations, unrestricted PTO is a rapidly expanding trend. A company’s time off policy may have a bearing on the level of office productivity. In this day and age of high stress, burnout, and attrition, employees must strike the correct balance between job obligations and personal activities. Many firms offer unlimited paid time off (PTO) to show they support employees having a balance between their personal and professional lives.

Dejannae Lang

I/O Practitioner

Promoting Diversity in the Workplace

There is a fundamental principle in the study of genetics, which has been shown to be true time and time again…genetic diversity leads to greater resiliency and a higher chance for long-term survival. While this scientific principle may sound isolated to the realm of education and research, this is further evidence that a diverse workforce will make an organization far stronger and increase the opportunity for success than a more homogeneous organization.

Dan Hunter


Boosting Motivation Among Remote Employees
Strategies for Success

In the modern era, remote work has become increasingly prevalent, allowing individuals to work from the comfort of their own homes or any location of their choice. While remote work offers numerous advantages, such as flexibility and increased autonomy, it can also present unique challenges, particularly when it comes to maintaining motivation. This article will explore effective strategies to foster motivation among remote employees, ensuring their productivity and job satisfaction remain high.

Joan Patrick

Head of Experience

Embrace Growth and Rejuvenation
The Power of Work Sabbatical Programs

In today’s fast-paced and demanding work environment, finding a balance between personal growth and professional aspirations can be challenging. Thankfully, organizations are increasingly recognizing the value of sabbatical leave, providing employees with an extended period of time to step away from their professional responsibilities and embark on a transformative journey of renewal, growth, and exploration. In this blog post, we will delve into the concept of sabbatical leave, what makes it different from other types of leave, how to create a program, its benefits, and how to make the most of this unique opportunity.

Lauren Hunter

Research Services Manager

How to Promote Company Culture
Part-Time and Temporary Workers Edition

Some may feel that companies should concentrate on their regular, full-time workforce and their cultural needs and be less concerned about the alignment of their part-time, seasonal, or temporary workforce. After all, those groups are not part of the main workforce and have less impact on the health of a company's culture…right? Well, no. You must engage these workers in a meaningful way on cultural issues, just as you do full-time teammates. Everyone in the company should be on the same page regarding company culture.

Lauren Hunter

Research Services Manager