How to Promote Company Culture
Part-Time and Temporary Workers Edition
Some may feel that companies should concentrate on their regular, full-time workforce and their cultural needs and be less concerned about the alignment of their part-time, seasonal, or temporary workforce. After all, those groups are not part of the main workforce and have less impact on the health of a company's culture…right? Well, no. You must engage these workers in a meaningful way on cultural issues, just as you do full-time teammates. Everyone in the company should be on the same page regarding company culture.

Research Services Manager
Impact of Culture Alignment
Many companies employ workers who are not full-time, whether they are interns, part-time, or temporary. Even though their time with the company is short, they are still connected by the company's culture; they interact with their teammates and, quite possibly, clients. They become reflections of the company’s culture, brand ambassadors to everyone outside the company. Their experiences with the company matter just as much as full-time employees, because when they leave, they become walking billboards. Make their experiences positive, inclusive, and full of all the benefits of cultural alignment, and they will give a glowing review to everyone they meet.
How to Promote Company Culture
Now that we've discussed the impact of culture fit on everyone involved, let's look at how companies can promote their culture with their non-full-time workers.
Strong Onboarding Program
This will start them off on the right foot. Keep it aligned with what you use for full-time employees so that they receive a similar experience. Don't forsake robust onboarding simply because they won't be with you for a long time; they'll still be brand ambassadors after they leave you. If time and people resources are limited, make it a virtual onboarding augmented with videos and self-guided materials. Pack it with cultural topics that paint how your company's culture looks and feels. Since these employees will likely have less exposure to fellow employees and leadership, they won't have the natural reinforcement about the culture that others receive, so it is even more important than ever that they launch their time with a solid understanding of your company culture.
Create Culture Ambassadors
Most companies have those employees who are excellent examples of the culture, embodying it and serving as role models for others. Create a team of culture ambassadors made up of these star employees who are tasked with specifically helping your temporary or seasonal teammates feel at home. Joining a company or new team can always be challenging, but even more so if the person knows they may not be there a long time…it is easy to see how they may stay disengaged and distant from others. Using Culture Ambassadors to help align these teammates with the company culture can help reduce that concern and lack of engagement. Culture Ambassadors can help create an environment of safety, equality, and inclusion.
Make Them Feel Welcome and Included
One of the best sources for helping your temporary, part-time, or seasonal employees gain a sense of the organizational culture is through their interactions with your full-time workforce. Seeing company culture play out in everyday relationships and conversations is the best teacher and reinforcer of the type of behaviors and values the company wants to exhibit. Encourage full-time employees to break down any perceived barriers that may exist simply because some teammates are only with the organization for a limited amount of time…investing in those relationships is just as rewarding and meaningful, so embrace them and avoid them feeling a sense of isolation.
Hire for Organizational Culture Alignment
While successful companies have a workforce with a diverse pool of thoughts, feelings, and experiences, within this diversity, there is still a common thread of shared values and alignment on what type of culture both the company and its workforce desire. That alignment is predicated on individuals working toward the company's goals while the company also supports each individual in achieving their own goals. In this ideal "help me, help you” cycle, everyone gets what they want, leading to greater workforce satisfaction and improved company outcomes. This is the core principle of cultural alignment, where both the company and the candidate win.
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